我想要歌劇魅影 All I Ask Of You 的中文歌詞
2005-03-16 21:39:20 UTC
No more talk of darkness
Forget these wide-eyed fears
I'm here, nothing can harm you
My words will warm and calm you

Let me be your freedom
Let daylight dry your tears
I'm here, with you, beside you
To guard you and to quide you

Say you love me every waking moment
Turn my head with talk of summertime

Say you need me with you now and always
Promise me that all you say is true
That's all I ask of you

Let me be your shelter
Let me be your light
You're safe, no one will find you
Your fear are far behind you

All I want is freedom
A world with no more night
And you, always besides me
To hold me and to hide me

Then say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime
Let me lead you from your solitude

Say you need me with you here, beside you
Anywhere, you go, let me go too
Christine, That's all I ask of you

Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime
Say the word and I will follow you

Share each day with me, each night, each morning

Say you love me

You know I do

Love me
That's all I ask of you

Anywhere you go let me go too
Love me
That's all I ask of you ...

I gave you my music
Made your song take wing
And now, how you've repaid me
Denied me and betrayed me

He was bound to love you
When he heard you sing

Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime
Say the word and I will follow you

Share each day with me, each night, each morning

You will curse the day you did not do
All that the Phantom asked of you

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 CDBBS 中正築夢園BBS站 歡迎蒞臨參觀 cd.twbbs.org (  
 http://cd.twbbs.org◥  * Author: mememe ★ From:   ◤
2005-03-19 04:26:46 UTC
男: 假如你是浮雲 飄逸在藍天上
輕盈點綴萬里 是有情還是無意
我願化作和風 搖弋在你身旁
將朦朧的身軀 擁抱在我的懷裡
女: 對我說 你時刻在我身旁 今夜我就誠心依靠你
對我說 這不是過往雲煙 告訴我你情感永不移 我不能沒有你
男: 像那旖旎花瓣 有花蕊的芬芳
我倆已合為一體 我另一半就是你
女: 靠在你的肩膀 像星星隨月亮
我倆漫遊在夜裡 我另一半就是你
男: 對我說你時刻在我身邊 一生一世有我伴著你
合: 今後我倆已經合為一體
女: 有我一半
男: 一半是你
合: 今生我不能沒有你 告訴我你情感永不移 今生我不能沒有你

* Origin: 中正築夢園 (CcuDream.twbbs.org) ★ From: